L 06 294 Images of East Asia: Poetry, Painting, and Meditation in East Asian Traditions L 03 111 Introduction to Asian Art L 03 294 Images of East Asia: Utopias of the Mind: Poetry, Painting and Meditation in East Asian Traditions L 03 3410 The Arts In Japanese Society L 07 111A General Chemistry I L 07 112A General Chemistry II L 07 114 Topics in General Chemistry L 07 151 General Chemistry Laboratory I L 07 152 General Chemistry Laboratory II L 07 251 Organic Chemistry I L 07 252 Organic Chemistry II L 07 257 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I L 11 1011 Introduction to Microeconomics L 11 1021 Introduction to Macroeconomics L 11 413 Introduction to Econometrics L 12 301C The American School L 12 408 Education and Psychology of Exceptional Children L 12 4301 Historical Social Content of the American School L 13 221 Fiction Writing L 13 312 Argumentation L 14 243 Topics in English and American Literature: From Fable to Film L 14 245 Topics in Literature: Banned Books: From Huckleberry Finn to Harry Potter L 15 233 Improvisation L 15 240 Acting I L 19 118A Geology of National Parks L 19 171A The Solar System L 24 1011 Introduction to Statistics L 24 131 Calculus I L 24 132 Calculus II L 24 217 Differential Equations L 24 220 Finite Mathematics: Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Graphs L 24 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics L 24 233 Calculus III L 24 309 Matrix Algebra L 29 106E Introduction to Dance as a Contemporary Art Form L 29 120 Yoga and Relaxation Techniques L 29 200 Tutorial L 34 108 Elementary French I L 34 109 Elementary French II L 34 400 Intensive Translation for Graduate Students I L 34 401 Intensive Translation for Graduate Students II L 41 112 Introduction to Problem-Based Learning in Biology L 41 258 The Biology of Health L 41 2651 MedPrep Program - Experience in Life Sciences L 41 2654 MedPrep II - Experience in the Life Sciences L 41 2960 Principles of Biology I L 41 2970 Principles of Biology II L 41 437 Laboratory on DNA Manipulation L 41 451 General Biochemistry L 53 304 Sex, Gender and Popular Culture L 56 460A NEH Summer Institute Program Course: The New Negro Renaissance in America, 1919-1941 L 82 335F Introduction to Environmental Ethics A 46 101F Drawing for Artists & Architects A 46 112 Intro to Design Processes II A 46 336B Designing Sustainable Environments A 46 420D The European City A 46 436 Mapping Soft Bodies/Constructing Complex Objects A 46 447A STRUCTURES I A 46 448A STRUCTURES II A 46 511 Architectural Design V A 46 512 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN VI A 46 582 Independent Study A 46 611 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN VII A 46 655A Urban Design Summer Seminar: Contested Grounds: Tijuana / San Diego Border A 46 681 Independent Study A 46 714 Metropolitan Urban Design F 20 101F Drawing for Artists and Architects F 20 111S Painting F 20 118S Digital Photography F 20 123S Fashion Design F 20 146S Letterpress & Book Arts: A Collaborative Affair F 20 3017 Drawing (and re-drawing) Conclusions (Florence, Italy) F 20 301S Figure Drawing Short F 20 381S Sam Fox School Summer Education Program: PrintX3 F 20 3823 Fifteenth & Sixteenth Century Florence, Rome and Venice: Rethinking Renaissance Visual Culture F 20 450 Independent Study E 81 436S Software Engineering Workshop E 81 400 Independent Study E 63 400 Independent Study E 81 200 Engineering and Scientific Computing E 62 400 Independent Study E 37 400 Independent Study E 37 463 Nanotechnology Concepts and Applications E 60 100A Cooperative Education Experience E 60 200A Cooperative Education Experience E 60 300A Cooperative Education Experience E 60 310 Technical Writing E 60 400A Cooperative Education Experience E 35 317 Engineering Mathematics E 35 400 Independent Study T 81 400 Independent Study W 74 654 Judicial Clerkship Externship W 74 695 Supervised Research W 74 798A Lawyering Practice Externship (Koby) W 78 903A Visiting Scholar Research W 79 501 Contracts (Greenhaw/Koby) W 79 538 Corporations (Burson) W 79 550A Atrocity and Policy (Crane) W 79 550B International Criminal & Procedure (Sadat/Olasolo) W 79 550Q International Perspectives on Death Penalty (Benza) W 79 550W Contemporary Developments in International Human W 79 551A Comparative of Expressive Freedom in the E.U. and U.S. (Magarian/Nehmelman) W 79 551B Law of Archeological Relics (Nance/Belder) W 79 560 Associate in Training Program (Mersmann) W 79 569 Securities Regulation (Lee) W 79 611 Antitrust (Ellis/Lee) W 79 647 Intellectual Property (Deal/Cho) W 79 702 Commercial (Korybut) W 79 729 Legal Research and Methods (Koby/Greenhaw) S 15 5039 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITIES S 20 3022 HEALTH PROMOTION AND BEHAVIOR: THEORIES, PROBLEMS, AND ISSUES S 20 4011 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS S 20 5011 ECONOMICS OF SOCIAL WELFARE S 20 5014 SOCIAL JUSTICE: EXPLORING THE REALITY OF AMERICA'S PROMISE S 20 6043 SUMMER INSTITUTE: RURAL-URBAN DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA AND INDIA S 30 5502 APPLIED BEHAVIOR THERAPY S 30 5503 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY S 30 6211 TREATMENT OF MENTAL DISORDERS S 30 7001 INTRODUCTION TO FAMILY THERAPY S 30 7326 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH YOUTH AND FAMILIES S 31 5185 TRAINING IN INTERGROUP DIALOGUE FACILITATION: SKILLS FOR MULTICULTURAL SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE S 40 5771 POLICY & SERVICES FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH S 50 5030 BUDGETING AND FISCAL MANAGEMENT S 50 5050 EVALUATION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES S 50 5066 MARKETING,RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY RELATIONS S 50 5067 DEVELOPING PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH S 55 5701 PRACTICUM-MPH PROGRAM S 60 5016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE S 65 5082 FOUNDATIONS OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) FOR THE APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES S 70 5006 FOUNDATION PRACTICUM, FIRST SEMESTER S 70 5012 FOUNDATION PRACTICUM, SECOND SEMESTER S 70 5013 FOUNDATION PRACTICUM, THIRD SEMESTER S 70 5014 CONCENTRATION PRACTICUM, FIRST SEMESTER S 70 5018 CONCENTRATION PRACTICUM, SECOND SEMESTER S 70 5022 CONCENTRATION PRACTICUM, THIRD SEMESTER S 70 5032 CONCENTRATION PRACTICUM, FOURTH SEMESTER S 70 5036 ELECTIVE PRACTICUM, FIRST SEMESTER S 70 5037 ELECTIVE PRACTICUM, SECOND SEMESTER S 70 5038 ELECTIVE PRACTICUM, THIRD SEMESTER S 70 5042 CONCENTRATION SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM V S 70 5102 INTEGRATIVE FOUNDATION PRACTICUM SEMINAR S 80 4000 STATISTICS S 81 5006 INDEPENDENT STUDY I S 81 5013 INDEPENDENT STUDY II S 81 5047 INTERVENTION APPROACHES WITH HIV POSITIVE INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES S 81 5048 FUNDAMENTALS OF MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING S 81 5067 UNDERSTANDING AND PRACTICE WITH AT-RISK AND INCARCERATED POPULATIONS AND THEIR FAMILIES S 81 5171 SKILLS FOR HEALING RACISM LAB II: FACILITATING DIVERSITY DIALOGUE AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE